Photo | Robert Lang
Kat Pobke
Kat is a mixed media Artist. Raised as a free-range, outdoors kid on a farm surrounded by fresh water swamps, dirt roads and sugar gum woodlands on southern Eyre Peninsula. She love's to paint and create and is happy to call Eyre Peninsula home. Based from a home studio at Louth Bay ( 25mins from Port Lincoln), she likes to wander near and far to prime her creativity.
"To me art, science and nature are inseparable. What we have just beyond our backyards on Eyre Peninsula is paradise. An outdoor university for creatives, intellectuals and adventurers alike and a priceless blessing to guard.
Nature, habitats, wildlife and the way we interact with them profoundly influence my life and art. Qualified as an Applied Scientist in Environmental Management, I’ve worked in species recovery, landscape scale conservation and recently communications. In future help me find you Citizen Scientists, Artists, Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, NGO's and wholistic thinkers. I dream of blending ideas, genres and skillsets to produce things in harmony with the planet.
Nature offers us no end of inspiration. Two Shoes Productions encases a summoning - to pop your shoes on … or better still go barefoot, and get outside. Feel the dew, smell the salt-spray, listen for the frogs, spend time under the stars with the people you love. Enjoys!" xo Kat